
Cadsoft Eagle Professional 5.6 Full

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Cadsoft Eagle Professional 5.6 Full
Cadsoft Eagle Professional 5.6 Tutorial


  • Fixed unexpected wire fragments in CAM Processor and PRINT output.
    WARNING: All EAGLE versions from 4.90.1 to 5.1.1 contain a bug which, under rare circumstances, may cause unexpected wire fragments in the CAM Processor and PRINT output, which may lead to short circuits. These wires are not visible in the editor window and are not reported by the DRC. This bug is fixed in version 5.2.0 (and since version 5.1.2, respectively). Please switch to version 5.2.0 as soon as possible. Windows users should also make sure they use the latest version of the command line version eaglecon.exe, which is automatically generated from the eagle.exe during installation. You can determine the actual version of your eaglecon.exe by calling

  • See the UPDATE file that comes with the installation archive for a list of fixes.

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